Physics states that stress, a tensor quantity, can be completely specified by both a magnitude and a direction. Stress delivers an impact. And that impact meets some degree of resistance. The amount of resistance is dependent upon the characteristics of the object towards which the stress is directed.
However, it is difficult (if not impossible) to quantify the impacts and consequences of emotional stress. While science states that stress has the power to release adrenaline into the bloodstream, the actions one exhibits based on these increased adrenal levels vary. Stress can cause us to be violent, hyperactive, or depressed. The reaction is complicated further in that the same person will respond in varying ways to different forms of stress.
What role does sensitivity play with regard to stress? Are we trained to mask the levels of stress that we are under? Keep it cool, huh? Anxiety may keep us alert, and boost our defenses in compromising situations. But anxiety does little but amplify our response to stress.
Accept the challenges our environment brings upon us. Fearful anticipation can be counter-productive.